Chocolate and its dark side

Chocolate in all combinations and tasts smile at you from every supermarket. But the sweet seduction also has its dark side. I’m not talking about dark chocolate, but about what researchers have recently discovered.

 In a study of 1018 adults (694 men and 324 women) from San Diego, California, without diabetes or known coronary artery disease was studied in a cross-sectional analysis, wanted to find out whether depressive or depressive-prone people have an increased consumption of chocolate.

This was indeed proven. The higher the score for depression, the higher the chocolate consumption.

It is still unclear whether chocolate triggers depression or whether depression causes more chocolate to be eaten in order to activate serotonin production.

 It’s just like Paracelsus said: „All things are poisons, for there is nothing without poisonous qualities. It is only the dose which makes a thing poison.“

Veröffentlicht von

Stephanie Voss

Experience, enthusiasm for current best practices and trends as a learning and development expert. Speaker, author of books and professional articles; honoured with various awards. Master of Arts in Adult Education as well as Organisational Development; Agile Culture Coach and Systemic Coach with a strong digital mind set, which combines the tried and tested with innovation; adept at assuming a key role in designing, promoting and implementing future-oriented and ambitious learning strategies, also in sensitising and inspiring interest and acceptance of Learning & Development at all hierarchical levels.

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