Today’s quote from Carl R. Rogers is: „It is a direction, not a destination.“
Carl R. Rogers, the founder of person-centered counseling, believed that the client is at the center, emphasizing empathy with their world and acceptance of their standpoint. It’s not about interpreting or adopting a medical therapeutic viewpoint, but about fully engaging with the person. Solutions are crafted by the clients themselves through listening and a curious, non-demanding approach in conversation. This self-development of solutions leads to more enduring results and better outcomes, as the motivation originates from the clients.
This approach is encapsulated in the quote. Life offers a direction, not a fixed destination / goal. Destinations are known to shift over time. Even if one achieves a meticulously planned destination, it may not fulfill the initial anticipation. Moreover, achieving a destination / goal often leads to the creation of a new, sometimes radically different destination / goal. The journey towards a goal is fraught with unknowns that can never be completely anticipated. Despite this, setting a destination / goal is crucial, but it might be more beneficial to set a direction instead.
Setting a direction and not a destination maintains flexibility and wards off disappointment, as rigid destinations / goals can lead to disillusionment. Directions can adapt if circumstances change, such as an ill-timed moment or inadequate preparation.
Consider hiking: navigating a steep, rocky terrain during a downpour can be perilous; timing is key. Unlike destinations /fixed goals, directions can accommodate spontaneous changes and remain adaptable.
Which destination would have been a better direction for you? I would be happy to hear about your experiences.