What is your belief?

The quote of the week comes from the Bhagavad Gita: „All actions, all works, all karma belong to nature, not to the divine. It is man who determines his earthly fate. People seal their fate themselves.“

These quote reminds me on „locus of control“ according to J.B. Rotter. A distinction is made between two control beliefs.

One is the internal locus of control, which is based on a high level of self-efficacy. The above quote refers to this locus of control belief.

The other is the external locus of control, which is based on low self-efficacy. People with an internal locus of control assume that they can influence events and are responsible for how something develops. People with external locus of control assume that they are controlled by higher powers, fate or given circumstances.

Control beliefs are formed through experiences and social circumstances, which then become entrenched and lead to fixed assumptions and attitudes. This changes behaviour and the experience of situations, as every situation is evaluated and interpreted by one’s own unconscious control beliefs.

Typical characteristics are as follows

Internal locus of control:

  • Takes responsibility for own actions
  • Is less influenced by other opinions
  • Work hard to achieve their goals or visions
  • Feels able to face challenges with confidence
  • Feels independent and happier

External locus of control:

  • Holds outsiders / powers responsible for own circumstances / experiences
  • Success is attributed to luck or an external change
  • Do not believe they can change their own situation through effort
  • Feels hopeless or powerless when faced with difficult situations
  • Tends to learnt helplessness

To find out for yourself which control belief you tend to belong to, this test can give you a little clue: Locus of Control (studylib.net)